STUDENTS: Richard Layne Smith ’65 (01/21/2023); Kevin Lynn Cook ’79 (01/25/2023); Darryl Vernon Cox ’63 (01/25/2023); John Macek Jr ’59 (01/27/2023); Barbara McKinley Foley ’54 (01/28/2023); Dorothy Sims Franus ‘48 (01/29/2023); Robert Moore Gayle ’48 (02/03/2023); Connie Harris Elsberry ’61 (02/06/2023); Drinnon Roberts ’54 (02/11/2023); Percy Higgins Hammond ’57 (02/13/2023); Gerald Arnold Wafer ’51 (02/19/2023)
MARSHALL STUDENTS: Peggy Stafford (01/27/2023); Catherine Henderson Jackson (02/06/2023); George W. Wright ’62 (02/09/2023); Shed Boone Waddy III (02/16/2023);
STAFF: Junior high secretary and adm worker Barbara Foley (01/28/2023); elementary teacher Anna Dora Frazier (02/05/2023)
The Alumni Association will host its sixth annual Handbags & Gladrags Saturday, March 4, at The Pavilion.
Guest speaker will be Deidre Gandy Ransdell ’82, a radio personality at WVLK FM, a mega country station in Kentucky. Deidre will entertain guests with stories of her radio career, including emceeing the Kentucky Pro Hall of Fame each year and her birthday celebration from George Strait.
The event includes a silent auction for new and slightly used designer and novelty purses. Vintage jewelry will be offered again. Tickets are now sold out.
Former players, co-workers and classmates are invited to an informal reception at the History Center for the Gandy family after the Handbags & Gladrags luncheon on Saturday, March 4.
Dan Gandy was a popular coach from 1973 to 1983, Bette Gandy taught elementary at Northside, Kyle quarterbacked the Wildcats in 1978 and 1979 and Diedre was a cheerleader throughout high school.
The History Center will be open from 1:30 p.m. to about 3:30 for anyone wanting to visit with the Gandys.
Team roping champion Tanner Tomlinson, who set a new record as Reserve World Champion in Las Vegas in December, has earned a spot to compete for a $1 million prize at the American Rodeo in Arlington on March 11.
Landis White ’20, a junior at Tarleton State, named Rookie of the year in Steer Wrestling by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association.
Brazoria County Commissioners declared Feb 15 as Bailey’s Prairie Kid Day in honor of Texas rodeo champion and legend Taylor Hall Jr. Hall, who turned 91 that day, attended Marshall School in Angleton. He still rides horses and works cows. Named to the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, he has many awards in steer wrestling, bareback and bronc riding and bull riding.
A fundraiser will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Angleton from 12 to 4 on Saturday, March 4, for Coach Ray Eby ’09. Eby, a coach for Comal ISD, is still hospitalized from a major car accident. Ray of Hope t-shirts are being sold at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church.
1961 Marshall graduate Emmitt Thomas was a honorary captain for the Kansas City Chiefs in the 2023 Super Bowl. Thomas, who played for the Chiefs from 1966 to 1978, was an assistant coach for the team before his retirement.
Rodney Terry ’86, acting head coach for The University of Texas basketball team, leading the Longhorns to a spot in the Top Ten.
Karrie Daniel ’82 named Top Female at the Surfside Beach Half Marathon
Class of 1961 – Classmates to meet at El Patio from 11-3 on April 29. Contact Dee Park Grigsby at grigsbydee@aol.com.
Class of 1968 – Classmates will meet at El Patio from 6 to 9 p.m. on April 22. They will visit the History Center from 1 to 3. Contact Kathy Lancaster.
Class of 1970 – Get together at El Patio at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept 30, after Old Timers Reunion. Contact Danna Kay Wilson at library_quilter@hotmail.com. “We can attend the Old Timers Reunion, visit the History center, take a nap, and end with a dinner for our class,” says Pat Swanson Brittain ’70.
Class of 1973 – 50-year anniversary celebration on June 17. History Center visit 2-5 followed by dinner/dance 6-11 at Dow Academic Center in Lake Jackson. $50 per person. Contact Dennis Breazeale at breazeales@sbcglobal.net.
Class of 1981 – Reunion planned for April 15 at The Dirty South at 6 p.m. Contact Pat Sebesta.
Class of 1988 – 35-year reunion June 10 at Stahlman Park. Classes of 1987 and 1989 also invited. See more info on Facebook or contact Monica Jackson Stanford
OLD TIMERS – Annual luncheon for those graduating 50 years of more on Saturday, Sept. 30 at Angleton Junior High. Class of 1973 will be welcomed this year.
Students at the new Career Tech Center are offering lunches and hair/nail appointments for the general public on Thursdays at the high school.
Culinary Arts students cook and serve lunch at the Wildcat Bistro on most Thursdays from 11:30 to 1 p.m. The Wildcat Hair Saloon is open on Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. and the Wildcat Barber Shop is open from 8 to 10 a.m.
Advance reservations and payment are required. Go to the AISD webpage, hit on Departments, then Career and Technolgy Education, then Community Services. Services and times are listed and there is a School Pay link.
The Class of 1967 and the Alumni Association will host a dedication at the Memorial Garden on April 15 for enrolled students and faculty who have passed away in the last three years. A reception will be held afterwards at the History Center. Names of those being added to the Memorial Garden will be announced in March.
The Alumni Association is now working with 11 scholarships for 2023 seniors – the Murphy Rankin Memorial, Handbags & Gladrags, Class of 1966, Class of 1967, Ray Pearl Condry Memorial, Jacobson Family Scholarship, Chamberlain Family, Coleman-Leist Vocational, O. V. McDaniel Memorial, Milton and Cecile Newton Scholarship and Tony Herford Memorial.
Donations can be made to any scholarship or to the general Alumni Association scholarship fund by mailing a check to the Alumni Association at PO 122, Angleton, 77516.
Susan Williamson Woods ’84 donated a 1982 class shirt, 1979 band group, 1975 Northside Honor Roll clipping and a Close-Up photo.
Debra Morris ’72 donated Tattlers and newspaper clippings from 1970-72.
Other donations were 2001 Westside 5th grade teacher photo from Ann Booth, 1978 and 1980 Quill and Scroll plaques from Sue Neill, 1999 AP chemistry photo from Joan McDonald Leger.
Visit the History Center at 1800 N. Downing on Wednesday afternoons and during special events. Donations may also be mailed to the Alumni Association, PO Box 122, Angleton 77516.
Feb 8, 1895 – 10 degrees. Skaters on ponds, ditches.
Feb, 1911 – School board adds year, entire course of study will now be 11 years.
Feb, 1960 – Principal Sullivan threatens to extend school day to 4 p.m. if high school students do not get to class on time
Feb, 1961 – 84 students in “The Crucible” directed by Richard Johnson
Feb 16, 1968 – Grand opening of Beacon Theatre in Angleton
Feb, 1977 – Kittens win bi-district, beating LaPorte 44-43
Feb, 1982 – Jerry Major is new high school principal
Feb, 1989 – Nolan Viator hired as new athletic director
Feb, 1992 – “Inside AISD” named top newsletter in state
Feb, 2003 – School board member Steve Coleman writes scathing column in newspaper blaming TEA and Legislature for school funding issues
March 4 – Handbags & Gladrags/ Gandy Reception
March 12 – Alumni Board meeting
March 13 – 17 – Spring Break
March 19 – Scholarship Interviews
April 15 – Dedication Ceremony at Memorial Garden
Officers are John Morgan ‘67, president; Tracy Holt Delesandri ‘80, vice-president; Linda Winder, secretary; Linda Roesler Fox ’67, corresponding secretary; Julie Irby Kolojaco ‘67 treasurer and Sammy Alsobrook ’69, past president. Board members are Bette Sides Sweeny ’59, Sue Neill, faculty; Frances Coleman Leist ’66, Katie Jacobson Clegg ’69, Bridgett Bradford Norris ’75, Isabelle Salazar ’76, Martha Boone Samford ’67, Sam Chamberlain ’66, Kathy Cooksey ’66, Claudia Stockwell Oswald ’64, Larry DuBose ’67, Glen “Deacon” Woosley ’76, Shelley Fox Rouse ’77, Mary Ann Douglas Murphy ’60, Cecile Newton, faculty, Donna Spoor Lewis ’68. Ad hoc members Pam Hendrick ’71, Debra Morris ’72, Betty Condry McAfee ’69, Bartlett Ramsey, faculty. Charter Member Bill Schweinle ’59.
Note: If you have additions or corrections to news items in the AAA newsletter please contact Linda Winder at lwinder4323@att.net. Newsletter is compiled by Linda Winder and AAA members and distributed via e-mail by Pam Hendrick ‘71. Copyright © 2023 Angleton Alumni Association, All rights reserved.
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